
The Help Autism Association is today, almost 10 years since its establishment, the biggest organization dedicated to this cause in Romania. We support over 600 children and teenagers diagnosed with ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder, through therapy programmes held in our 5 centers and through home care.. From specific therapy to school integration programs, from support for parents to awareness campaigns, lobby and advocacy, Help Autism seeks constantly to offer a spectrum of solutions for children with autism and their families.

Help Autism supports public institutions to increase the quality of services provided by them through the 6 public-private partnerships – with the Directorates of Social Assistance and Child Protection District in Bucharest, Suceava, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Dâmbovița and at home; holds training courses in ABA therapy, free courses to inform teachers, workshops and counseling sessions for parents; and is co-organizer of the ABA International Conference – the science behind autism recovery therapies.



Help Family






Our mission

We are guiding the steps of special minded children from assessment and diagnosis to therapy, from school integration to the transition to adult life / to an independent life. We are together with their families at every step, with every need. We are dreaming for them, we are fighting for them, we are building for us a Romania in which diverse minds are to be received / are welcomed with open hearts.

Accreditations and licenses

Help Autism is an accredited social service provider, as shown by the list published by the Ministry of Labour: the list of accredited social service providers; with three licensed services published in the list of the Ministry of Labour: the list of licensed social services.

Public utility

Licensed in social services


What is autism?

Don't know what autism is or do you wonder how they perceive / see/ distinguish / understand the world? We tried to capture a small part of their minds in the experiment below.


Awards and distinctions



Campaniile de advocacy Autismul nu are culoare politică (parteneri: RO TSA și FEDRA) și Sunt terapeut. Vreau să fiu recunoscut (parteneri: Institutul ABA România și Autism Voice) au fost printre cele 12 proiecte căștigătoare ale galei.

2022 Revista Capital - 100 antreprenori români

Daniela Bololoi (președinte Help Autism) a fost inclusă în TOP 100 de antreprenori români ai anului 2022, categoria Responsabilitate Socială.


Daniela Bololoi (președinte Help Autism) a fost desemnată liderul anului în sănătate.


“Cel mai implicat președinte în atragerea de fonduri 2013” a fost desemnat Daniela Bololoi, președintele Asociației Help Autism.


Proiectul de Voluntariat al Anului în domeniul Sport și Recreere a fost desemnat Rocket Bike Fest.

Latest articles
200 ONG-uri au marcat Ziua Internațională de Conștientizare a Autismului, sub sloganul „Nu sunt Invizibil”

04.02.2024 HELP AUTISM Wm 4

Asociația HELP Autism, împreună cu rețeaua europeană Autism Europe, rețelele și federațiile naționale în autism RO TSA, Federația Pentru Drepturi și Resurse Pentru Persoanele cu Tulburări în Spectrul Autism (F.E.D.R.A.), Federația Organizațiilor de Părinți Care Au Copii cu Dizabilități (F.O.P.C.D.) și Fundația Star of Hope România au lansat marți, 2 aprilie, Angajamentul pentru Autism în cadrul evenimentului  "Not Invisible" / "Nu sunt invizibil"

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