100 children with autism evaluated within the project "Improvement of diagnostic, assessment and recovery for children with ASD"

Help Autism Association in partnership with the Institute of Applied Behavior Analysis in Norway, TITAN Psychiatric Hospital "Dr. Constantin Gorgos" and the Romanian League for Mental Health announces closing of the project "Improving the diagnosis, evaluation and rehabilitation for children with ASD. "

The project ran over a 10 month period and has achieved the main objective of increasing accessibility to rehabilitation services for 100 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by developing services related to medical care, introducing the assessment and treatment programs for recovery and reduce the risk of social exclusion of their families by developing psychological counseling and support.

Project activities were carried out within the TITAN Psychiatric Hospital "Dr. Constantin Gorgos" and aimed at improving services related to medical care provided by the medical unit for a real chance at recovery for children with autistic spectrum disorder.

During the implementation period, 100 children up to 5 years of age, showing symptoms of developmental delay or diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, have received free initial psychological evaluation. Thus, following the assessments, personalized intervention plans, of the 100 children, 38 have been integrated into the individual therapy program, the others being included into speech or physical therapy programs.

Autistic child's therapy is an ongoing process that does not begin and does not end in the therapy room, therefore, parent input in the recovery process is extremely important. This was the principle under which the project "Improving the diagnosis, evaluation and rehabilitation services for children with ASD" had among its targets expert advice provided to parents. During the project implementation, the families of the 100 evaluated children were guided both in terms of their behavior towards their child and in accepting and overcoming hardships caused by receiving the psychological diagnosis.

Daniela Bololoi, Help Autism Association President: "We are extremely happy that we managed to successfully complete this project. We were glad to have the chance to offer children diagnosed in the Psychiatry Hospital Titan a solution to start the road to recovery. During the year that has just ended I met many disconcerted parents after receiving this diagnosis and the feeling that we could come to the rescue when they were most in need, was worth every effort. Even if I have lived through this experience hundreds of times, it still happens that every time I meet a parent at the beginning of this road, I to go back to the beginning of my journey. I believe that is the reason why I get emotionally involved in each story and am grateful for every ray of hope that we can offer. "


To increase the capacity of providing rehabilitation services for children with autism, 15 ABA therapy specialists were recruited, specialized through training courses and employed at the association Help Autism.

Besides the services offered to 100 children and their families, implementation of the project has benefited the recipient association as a whole, thanks to the partnership with the Institute of Applied Behavior Analysis in Norway. Thus, in the events held with the participation of Norwegian partners, issues were raised about the conduct of the recovery process and integration of children with autism, focusing mainly on differences in approach in the public and non-governmental systems of the two countries. The exchange of experience and know-how aimed at taking and implementing good practices of the Norwegian partner and system, in the activity of Help Autism Association and legislation in Romania.

* 2009-2014 Project financed by the EEA grants in the Fund in Romania
* This report does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA grants 2009 – 2014




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04.02.2024 HELP AUTISM Wm 4

Asociația HELP Autism, împreună cu rețeaua europeană Autism Europe, rețelele și federațiile naționale în autism RO TSA, Federația Pentru Drepturi și Resurse Pentru Persoanele cu Tulburări în Spectrul Autism (F.E.D.R.A.), Federația Organizațiilor de Părinți Care Au Copii cu Dizabilități (F.O.P.C.D.) și Fundația Star of Hope România au lansat marți, 2 aprilie, Angajamentul pentru Autism în cadrul evenimentului  "Not Invisible" / "Nu sunt invizibil"

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