Campaign for early diagnosis of developmental delays


Help Autism Association, in partnership with the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Sector 3, implements the project "Campaign for early diagnosis of developmental delays". The initiative aims at increasing awareness and access to the provision of social services for the early detection of children with developmental delay (delay of language, autism spectrum disorders and related disorders) by creating the first joint service Help Autism - DGASPC Sector 3.


The project aims at organizing a campaign for the implementation of screening for 600 children in the daycare centers of DGASPC Sector 3 and awareness of the rights of children with developmental delay. Through a suite of roundtables with representatives of local and national authorities, NGOs, stakeholders in social services, Help Autism Association will continue its lobby and advocacy efforts conducted for over 6 years and bring the issue of delays in development on the local and national public agenda.

Expected results:

Creating the first joint service-  Help Autism - DGASPC Sector 3 for early diagnosis and psychological assessment (600 children beneficiaries of screening and about 30 beneficiaries of psychological evaluation);

Organizing an awareness campaign of the rights of children with developmental delay and their access to social services;

Creating a best practice guide designed to assist parents in the long road to recovery;

A campaign of round tables with relevant authorities and NGOs providing social services to children with developmental delay.

Period: April 2016 - March 2017

The project is co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union and has a total budget of CHF 83210.50. The grant is CHF 74889.45 and co-financing provided by the executive agency is CHF 8321.05. For more details on the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme, please visit


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04.02.2024 HELP AUTISM Wm 4

Asociația HELP Autism, împreună cu rețeaua europeană Autism Europe, rețelele și federațiile naționale în autism RO TSA, Federația Pentru Drepturi și Resurse Pentru Persoanele cu Tulburări în Spectrul Autism (F.E.D.R.A.), Federația Organizațiilor de Părinți Care Au Copii cu Dizabilități (F.O.P.C.D.) și Fundația Star of Hope România au lansat marți, 2 aprilie, Angajamentul pentru Autism în cadrul evenimentului  "Not Invisible" / "Nu sunt invizibil"

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