Free therapy at TITAN Psychiatric Hospital


Help Autism Association in partnership with the Institute of Applied Behavior Analysis in Norway, TITAN Psychiatric Hospital "Dr. Constantin Gorgos" and the Romanian League for Mental Health launches "Improving the diagnosis, evaluation and rehabilitation for children with TSA", funded by SEE 2009 – 2014 grants, within the Fund ONG in Romania, with a duration of 12 months.

The main objective of the project is to increase accessibility to rehabilitation services for integration into society of children with autism spectrum disorder (TSA) by developping services related to medical care, introducing the assessment and therapeutic programnes for the recovery of 100 children, from Bucharest and from the entire country, reducing the risks of social exclusion of their families by developing psychological counseling and support.

The project aims at:

1. Increasing the capacity of providing rehabilitation services for integration into society by offering services related to medical care by recruiting 15 specialists from Bucharest and Ilfov and providing training for their professional approach of children with TSA;

2. Increasing the access to rehabilitation services for integration into society of 100 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in Bucharest and across the country;

3. Providing integrated services of counseling, mentoring and training in dealing with their own child, for 100 families of children with ASD in order to reduce social exclusion;

4. Increasing the capacity of the organization and visibility at national level by organizing fundraising campaigns;

5. Improving organization services by sharing best practices with partners from donor countries as providers of recovery, by transfer of experience and know how. 

The beneficiary of the project, Help Autism Association, assumes continued growth in awareness of autism, permanent support programmes for early diagnosis, even from the age of 1 year and intervention programmes in autism.

* 2009-2014 Project financed by the EEA grants in the Fund in Romania
* This report does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA grants 2009 – 2014

*Proiect finanțat prin granturile SEE 2009 - 2014, în cadrul Fondului ONG în România

*Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziția oficială a granturilor SEE 2009 - 2014

Asociația HelpAutism.


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04.02.2024 HELP AUTISM Wm 4

Asociația HELP Autism, împreună cu rețeaua europeană Autism Europe, rețelele și federațiile naționale în autism RO TSA, Federația Pentru Drepturi și Resurse Pentru Persoanele cu Tulburări în Spectrul Autism (F.E.D.R.A.), Federația Organizațiilor de Părinți Care Au Copii cu Dizabilități (F.O.P.C.D.) și Fundația Star of Hope România au lansat marți, 2 aprilie, Angajamentul pentru Autism în cadrul evenimentului  "Not Invisible" / "Nu sunt invizibil"

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