General presentation

Project Title: "Establishing centers providing innovative services of psychotherapy"

Who implements:

Help Autism Association: 6 years after its founding, with over 100 specialists, 351 children with Autism Spectrum Disorders beneficiaries of the therapy programs (about 80,000 therapy session in 2015), more than 500 parents involved, 6 centers in Bucharest and Suceava, Help Autism Association is continuing its efforts to meet the needs of rehabilitation and integration of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.

Autism, Therapy, Sport and Art Arges Association (Partner) is an association which supports children with autistic spectrum disorders, and other neuropsychomotor disorders and their families. It acts in support of early diagnosis and improving the quality of life and social integration of these children.

Background: Few of us know that autism is a disorder considered one of the most severe neuropsychiatric disorders of childhood, more common than cancer, diabetes and Down syndrome. International statistics show that 1 in 68 children has autism, and the data recorded in recent years in Romania shows a continuous increase in their number. Progress in recent years in terms of research into the causes and incidence of this disease is obvious, there have been discovered innovative therapies, more services have been developed, both public and private, significant steps in adoption of a specific law (law 151/2010 autism) have been made, awarness campaigns have been conducted. Despite this progress, the services are still insufficient, the number of specialists is limited repored to the real need, many affected children are diagnosed late and information about autism in society are low. Early diagnosis and early intervention is the best solution identified to date, for the chance of a life as close to normal. Through personalized therapy the chances of recovery and social integration of children with autism can be over 50%.


The project is co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union and has a total budget of CHF 277,761.25. The grant is CHF 249,985.12, and co-financing provided by the project partners is CHF 27776.13. For more details on the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme, please visit and

Project implementation period: March 2016 - May 2017 (15 months)

Implementation locations: Bucharest, Arges, Suceava

Objective: To promote the activities of the two associations in providing social services through the establishment of 3 new centers offering innovative psychotherapy social services for children with autistic spectrum disorders and related disorders.

Specific objectives:

OS1 - Promoting innovative therapies: applied behavior analysis, occupational therapy, ludotherapy, occupational therapy, in 3 counties (Bucharest, Suceava, Arges), for the recovery of children with ASD and their integration into society.


OS2- Strengthening the institutional and operational capacity of Help Autism Association, promoting the exchange of best practices


Direct beneficiaries:

75 children with ASD beneficiaries of therapy services;

200 children beneficiaries of the developed IT application;

2,000 family physicians participating in the awareness campaign on TSA (750 will be visited at their offices);

4000 parents, volunteers, donors informed about TSA;

12 therapists beneficiaries of the ABA training program

Indirect beneficiaries: 7,000 patients of family physicians informed about autism spectrum disorders, using materials developed within the project.

The main expected outcomes:

2,000 family physicians  informed about TSA, about the importance of applying the free screening questionnaire and early diagnosis, through an online campaign;

750 family doctors informed through an offline campaign (through face to face meetings at their offices);

Three social centers for children with ASD developed in Bucharest, Suceava and Arges;

75 children with ASD beneficiaries of social care services in the established centers ;

50 children with ASD who will make psycho-social progress, by attending therapy;

1 multidisciplinary service created (includes ABA therapy, occupational therapy, ludotherapy, occupational therapy, social workshops);

1 innovative IT application created for psychotherapeutic support;

200 users of the IT application, for therapy;

2 NGOs attesting increase of institutional capacity by increasing the number of the social services offered;

1 course in applied behavior analysis for the team of therapists involved in the project;

12 specialists improve their skills in providing social services to children with ASD;

One good practice guide developed;

1 crowdfunding platform achieved;

15 mini - fundraising campaigns conducted through the platform.


Lansarea platformei de atragere de fonduri (crowdfunding)

Tu ce faci cu 1 leu pe zi?

1 leu pe zi timp de un an oferă 10 ore de terapie gratuită unui copil cu autism şi şansa unei copilării normale. Tu ce faci cu 1 leu pe zi? Aceasta este întrebarea pe care Asociaţia Help Autism o adresează prin proiectul platformei de crowdfunding,, prin care îşi propune să atragă nu doar fonduri ci şi implicarea comunităţii în recuperarea şi integrarea copiilor cu tulburare de spectru autist.

În România nu se cunoaşte, în mod oficial, cifra reală a copiilor ce prezintă semne ale autismului, însă studiile arată o incidenţă alarmantă de 1 din 68 de copii care suferă de această tulburare. Din cauza lipsei de informare, diagnosticarea este de multe ori întârziată, iar intervenţia terapeutică la o vârstă cât mai fragedă reprezintă una dintre condiţiile esenţiale ale recuperării copilului cu autism.

diagnostic gratuit

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Închiderea proiectului „Înfiinţare centre de furnizare servicii inovatoare de psihoterapie”

Asociația Help Autism, în parteneriat cu Asociația Autism, Terapie, Sport și Arte Argeş (ATSA Argeș) anunță închiderea proiectului „Înfiinţare centre de furnizare servicii inovatoare de psihoterapie, derulat în perioada Martie 2016 Iulie 2017, la nivelul a 3 județe: Bucureşti, Argeş, Suceava.

Proiectul „Înfiinţare centre de furnizare servicii inovatoare de psihoterapie” a vizat deschiderea a 3 noi centre de servicii sociale pentru copiii cu tulburare de spectru autist şi tulburări asociate, având ca obiectiv principal, promovarea terapiilor inovatoare în vederea recuperării şi a integrării lor în societate, cât și întărirea capacităţii instituţionale şi operaţionale a celor 2 asociații, Help Autism și ATSA Argeș.


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